IT Support Services

Truckers Auto Liability, Property Damage, Refer Breakdown, Physical Damage, Cargo and General Liability Coverage Available.

High Risk Classes, “I.E.”, Auto Haulers, Towing, Sand & Gravel, Haz Mat, Cement and more…

Local, Intermediate and Over The Road / Long Haul Risks Accepted.

Losses, Lapses, & New Ventures No Problem.

Single Unit to 200+ Fleets.

Insurance Coverage Specifically Designed for the Trucking Industry

Over 50+ Years Combined Experience.

30+ Carriers and Multi-State Services.


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With our "Client First" Service and 50+ Years Combined Industry Experience You Can Be Rest Assured In Our Ability to Place Coverage Quickly and Affordably.



Our Dedication To Providing You and Your Business with a Level of Service Unobtainable Elsewhere is Unparalleled!